Spotify Rhythm - how we get aligned (slides from my talk at Agile Sverige) - Crisp's Blog
#company strategy
#bet prioritization
#spotify rhythm

Spotify Rhythm - how we get aligned (slides from my talk at Agile Sverige) - Crisp's Blog

Here are the slides from my talk about Spotify Rhythm at Agila Sverige. The talk is about Spotify's current approach to getting aligned as a company. It covers: what problem we're trying to solve…

This presentation details Spotify's current approach to company alignment, "Spotify Rhythm," outlining how they've evolved from earlier models like OKRs and Priorities & Achievements. The core of Spotify Rhythm is the "DIBB" framework, using Data, Insight, Belief, and Bet to define strategic objectives. These "Bets" are then stack-ranked based on company beliefs and north star goals, visualized on a kanban-like company board categorized as "Now," "Next," and "Later." The presentation highlights how this system enables cascading bet boards across different company levels, ensuring alignment and autonomy. It also emphasizes the importance of synchronization and prioritization through various cadences at different levels. The presentation concludes by discussing the challenges and learnings from implementing this model.

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Here are the slides from my talk about Spotify Rhythm at Agila Sverige.

The talk is about Spotify’s current approach to getting aligned as a company. It covers:

  • what problem we’re trying to solve, and how we’ve gone through two other models (OKR and Priorities & Achievements) before arriving at our current model
  • how we define “Bets” using the DIBB framework (Data-Insight-Belief-Bet)
  • how we prioritize bets using stack-ranking based on company beliefs and north star goals
  • how we visualize bets on a kanban-like company level board, and group them into Now – Next – Later columns
  • how different parts of the company visualize their own bets and align with higher level bets, using interlinked bet boards.
  • how we synchronize and prioritize our work using different cadences at different levels of the company.
  • how this model is used to support squad autonomy
  • our challenges and learnings with this so far

Holy crap how did I manage to cover all that in 10 minutes?! Guess I talked fast 🙂

Some sample slides below.

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